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Access Token

A security credential that allows an application to interact with the Syndica platform's resources and services.

Account Owner

The user who has full administrative control over the Syndica account, including billing, organization settings, and access to certain actions that may result in costs.

API Access

The ability for external applications or services to interact with Syndica's platform programmatically.


The process of creating a deployment by executing instructions from a Docker file. Each build results in a new container for the application.

CNAME Record

A DNS record type that points a domain or subdomain to another domain. In Syndica, this record is used to link a custom domain to a deployment.

Custom Domain

A unique web address that allows users to access an application on Syndica using a recognizable and branded domain name.


A version or branch of an application running on a Syndica server in a specific location. Deployments are created based on a specific environment.

DNS Provider

A service or platform responsible for managing Domain Name System (DNS) records for domain names, such as adding TXT records or CNAME records.


A configuration setting within Syndica that controls various aspects of an application's development, including environment variables and subdomains.

Instance Configuration

The specific settings for CPU, memory, and storage of a virtual deployment server within Syndica.

Linked Domain

A custom domain associated with a specific deployment, allowing multiple deployments to coexist on the same domain with subdomains.

Organization (in the context of Syndica)

The overarching structure that may include multiple stacks, environments, and users. The organization is managed by the Account Owner.

Profile Section

A part of the Syndica platform where users can access and modify their account details, including enabling Two-Factor Authentication.

Real-Time Logs

Information generated by the Syndica platform or an application's container in real-time, typically used for debugging and troubleshooting.


The codebase of an application, typically hosted on a code repository platform like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket.

Scale Mode

A mode that allows an unlimited number of users to be added to an account, typically available for a fee after the first three free users.


A fundamental unit in Syndica where applications and deployments are managed. Stacks help organize and separate different aspects of a project or application.

Standard mode

A mode that limits the number of users that can be added to an account, with additional users incurring a charge.


A domain name that is part of a larger domain, used to create unique web addresses for different parts of an application or deployment.

TXT Record

A DNS record type used for adding arbitrary text information to a domain's DNS configuration. In Syndica, this record is used to verify domain ownership.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

An additional layer of security that requires users to provide two forms of authentication, typically a password and a one-time code from a mobile app or device.

User (in the context of Syndica)

A user with read-only access to the Syndica platform, typically used for monitoring application performance and managing access tokens.