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Road Map

Since the validator is a large project, we broke it down into individual core components:

  • Gossip: the entry point of the network where nodes discover other nodes, share metadata about what ports are open, etc.
  • AccountsDB: an optimized database to represent the state of the blockchain at a specific slot, including the state of all the accounts.
  • Runtime (Solana Virtual Machine): an execution environment that updates on-chain accounts by processing transactions with on-chain programs.
  • Consensus: a consensus protocol (TowerBFT) that manages votes and forks to know the head of the chain.
  • RPC: responsible for serving on-chain data to other clients using remote-procedure calls including account balances, transaction statuses, and more.
  • Proof-of-History: a proof of the passage of time using a verifiable delay function at the heart of consensus.
  • Block Packing: find the optimal transaction ordering to pack into a block based on specific read/write locks and priority fees