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For an introduction to Solana's gossip protocol, check out the technical sections of our Sig announcement blog post.

Check out the full associated blog post here:

Repository File Outline

The main gossip files are in src/gossip

  • service.zig: main logic for reading, processing, and sending gossip messages
  • table.zig: where gossip data is stored
  • data.zig: various gossip data structure definitions
  • pull_request.zig: logic for sending pull requests
  • pull_response.zig: logic for sending pull responses (/handling incoming pull requests)
  • gossip_shards.zig: data structure which stores gossip data hashes for quick lookup
  • active_set.zig: logic for deriving a list of peers to send push messages to
  • ping_pong.zig: logic for sending ping/pong messages as a heartbeat check


benchmarks are located at the bottom of service.zig.

to run the benchmarks:

  • build sig in ReleaseSafe (ie, zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe)
  • run ./zig-out/bin/benchmark gossip

this includes processing times for pings, push messages, pull responses, and pull requests.

Benchmark                                  Iterations    Min(ms)    Max(ms)   Variance   Mean(ms)
benchmarkGossipService(10k_ping_msgs) 1 1489 1489 0 1489
benchmarkGossipService(10k_push_msgs) 1 11811 11811 0 11811
benchmarkGossipService(10k_pull_resp_msgs) 1 11761 11761 0 11761

Benchmark Iterations Min(ms) Max(ms) Variance Mean(ms)
benchmarkPullRequests(1k_data_1k_pull_reqs) 1 528 528 0 528
benchmarkPullRequests(10k_data_1k_pull_reqs) 1 575 575 0 575


The fuzzing client is located in fuzz.zig.

See the contributing docs for instructions on how to run it.