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How can I get started using Syndica?

Head over to and click Sign Up to register.

Will I be rate-limited?

Standard Mode accounts are limited to 100 RPS and Scale Mode accounts 300. If you need more, please contact our team and inquire about our HyperScale Mode.

Where are Syndica’s servers located?

Our hardware is strategically located across all major Geozones.

What networks does Syndica support?

We currently support Solana Mainnet. More networks are coming soon.

What payment methods does Syndica accept?

We currently accept credit card payments in the app but can support alternative payment methods on a case-by-case basis. For cryptocurrency payments, wire transfers, or other payment methods please contact our team to discuss further.

Where can I request a feature?

Join our Discord server and send one in through the #feature-request channel.

What qualifies as a Critical Support Issue?

Critical Issues include dead nodes, a high percentage of failing requests, and/or extremely slow response times that are not due to the blockchain network (for Elastic Node plans).

To report one or more of these issues, please use the in-app support system to create a ticket for a Critical or P1 issue. Please note: this is the BEST way to trigger immediate support for an infrastructure problem.

I still have an unanswered question.

We would love to hear it! Get in touch with our team by emailing

Why do I have a negative account balance?

A negative balance means you have promotional credits that will be automatically applied to your next invoice. For example, a balance of -$100 will lower your next invoice by $100.